
Have you always wanted straight, beautiful teeth but have been hesitant to undergo conventional orthodontic treatment with traditional metal or ceramic braces? If so, ClearCorrect might be perfect for you! At Shadowridge Dental Group, patients in the San Marcos, Oceanside, Escondido, and all the rest of North San Diego County can discreetly straighten their teeth in as little as 9 to 12 months with the ClearCorrect aligners system.

How ClearCorrect works

For many decades, conventional bracket-and-wire braces were the only way to straighten teeth, close gaps, or fix crowded teeth. ClearCorrect and other clear aligner systems such as Invisalign, have truly revolutionized the way we are able to help patients achieve the terrific, straight smiles they desire. Treatment with ClearCorrect, like Invisalign and other tray alignment systems, consists of a series of clear aligners that are custom designed to shift your teeth gradually into their ideal position. Each set of aligners is worn for approximately two to three weeks for at least 22 hours per day. Periodically, every 4-6 weeks, you come into the office to make sure treatment is progressing normally and that your mouth is remaining healthy.

Benefits of ClearCorrect

Millions of people worldwide have chosen ClearCorrect, and other aligner systems like Invisalign, to straighten their teeth because of the ease and flexibility of the treatment.

They choose clear aligners because they are:

  • Comfortable: Rather than wires and brackets that can poke your mouth, cause irritation, and can be painful when adjusted, ClearCorrect uses BPA-free plastic aligners that are designed for comfort.
  • Discreet: ClearCorrect aligners for teeth straightening are nearly invisible in your smile so others will not realize you are undergoing orthodontic treatment
  • Removable: With ClearCorrect, you can continue living your active life and enjoying your favorite foods without worry – because the aligners are fully removable, no foods are off-limits and you can easily maintain your excellent oral hygiene without working around braces
  • Effective: The average ClearCorrect treatment time is just one year, and then you simply need to wear a retainer at night to maintain your excellent results

Issues ClearCorrect can treat

ClearCorrect is a versatile orthodontic therapy that can be used to treat mild to moderate cases of:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crowding
  • Underbite
  • Overbite
  • Open bite

However, it is important to understand that ClearCorrect, or any other tray aligner system such as Invisalign, is not right for everyone. Some patients require more traditional orthodontic treatments to adjust their smiles. The doctor will perform a thorough exam and consult with you about your desired end results and treatment preferences to determine whether ClearCorrect is the best choice for your individual needs.

To learn more about ClearCorrect and schedule your consultation at Shadowridge Dental Group, call us today at (760) 284-8111!
