If you lost one tooth a while ago, you might not have immediately realized how it impacts your oral functionality. But with time, you have started noticing how that tiny gap affects how you chew, bite, and even speak. That’s not all. The teeth adjacent to the gap have started shifting into the edentulous area, messing up your bite alignment.
Having gotten tired of your mouth gap, you decide to scour the internet for tooth replacement options. Of course, a dental implant seems like the obvious option, but the cost is way out of your pocket. You continue your search, and it lands you on a partial denture—but can it replace one tooth? To find out, read on as Shadowridge Dental Group sheds more light on partials for patients in the San Marcos and Vista, CA area.
A partial denture acts like a dental bridge—usually preferable when you have lost some teeth. A partial denture consists of artificial teeth with a metal framework to hook or clasp onto the remaining teeth. While partials with metal clasps work, some patients are allergic to metal, plus the metal clasp may be visible through your smile.
Thanks to technological advancement, there is a more aesthetic option for partial dentures. This alternative uses thermoplastic material instead of metal. These appliances are usually pink, thinner, and lighter than their traditional counterparts. Plus, they are more flexible and hence don’t break easily.
Absolutely yes! A partial denture can replace one or several teeth in a single arch. While a dental implant or bridge can replace a single tooth, partials are the most affordable because they don’t need crowns.
The process of getting a removable partial denture is pretty straightforward. We evaluate your oral health and then take bite impressions to create a natural-looking denture. Once our dental team installs a partial denture, no one will ever know you have lost your tooth.
Don’t let that tiny gap in your mouth hurt your beautiful smile. Instead, please dial (760) 284-8111 to book an appointment with Shadowridge Dental Group for natural-looking dentures. A denture is a fast and economical way to restore your smile to what it used to be.